Designed to accomodate a range of tastes and dietary requirements, the standard graze feeds up to 40 people but can be expanded to cater to events of any size.


How it works

I come to you, unload the bounty and take you on a handcrafted flavour journey.  

The standard menu can be upgraded with additions or adjusted depending on your needs. I recommend upgrading with flowers for special occasions.

For something more substantial, you can add canapés, combine with feast menu or woodfire tastes

Special dietary requirements, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten or lactose free options are already abundant, with tweaks available on request. Nut and other severe allergies do need to be notified, however.



Prices change depending on the size of the event and additions, but for a standard table I charge $1450.

It feeds 40 people.


The menu is an indication of what types of food will be included, but precisely which products I select will be dependent on what’s good in the market. I only use the most vital, fresh products.